Petition to Stop the Berkeley County GOVERNMENT HOA
Life, Individual Liberty, and Private Property Rights are the Foundation of our American Republic.
But now, as socialism creeps into our State, the Berkeley County Council, at the urging of the County Sheriff, is scheming to birth a Countywide Homeowners Association, that they of course are in charge of!
Backed by the force of law, this violation of not only the 4th Amendment, but private property rights across the board, this interestingly named “Public Nuisance Ordinance” is up for a vote on January 26, 2023, and we need your help to stop them.
It is vital if you support the Constitution, due process of law and private property rights, that you sign our petition below and then forward it to your friends and family!
Trying to turn Berkeley County into Northern Virginia, this scheme allows the County or its designated agencies to remove or fine property owners for ”any: thing, act, failure to act, use or occupation of property that unreasonably annoys or endangers the safety, health and welfare of the public at large.”
Not only will the County and its appointees enter your private property without a warrant, but it leaves the County Council as the sole deciding voice on whether or not property owners are in violation of the ordinance, which can result in fines of $500 a day and in the end, the County entering your property and “fixing” the issue, and then billing you for it!
In other words, you never get your day in court! If a member of the County Council or one of the County employees has a personal grudge against you, they can enact this socialist scheme for things like: “Odors, noise, light, or other common nuisances, that impact public properties, ie. government, properties.”
Even worse, if you are given a written notice to comply with whatever whim the County and its bureaucrats demand, and you do not comply or respond in 10 days, the County Council will just go ahead and order whatever they want to happen on your private property!
So, if you go on vacation and come back and find the County has “improved” your property, you are stuck with the bill!
It seems not only have the County Council and their employees forgotten the fact that private property means private property, they are also looking to violate their oaths of office and essentially repeal the 4th Amendment where they state any investigation that requires entrance upon private property for examination of your private property, shall be done with as little inconvenience as possible for you, “but in every instance the enforcement agency shall have the power to enter said property in accordance with this ordinance”
The 4th Amendment is very clear….it states –“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Unless you wish to give up your private property rights and your rights as enshrined in the United States Constitution, please sign our petition below, and after you have done so, urge your friends and family to do the same!
Whereas the Founding Principles of our Republic, and our government created, enshrined the right of life, liberty, and private property; and
Whereas the 4th Amendment requires a judicial issued search warrant through process of law; and
Whereas the 5th and 6th Amendments to the Constitution demand that no citizen be deprived of their life, liberty, or property without their day in court; therefore
We the undersigned demand that members of the Berkeley Council vote NO on the proposed Public Nuisance Ordinance or we will work to unseat any councilmember or County Employee who supports this unconstitutional scheme; and
That further attempts to violate the rights of the citizens of Berkeley County will immediately cease.